About five years ago I fell in love with my soulmate. Soon after I fell out of love with myself. Until recently I didn’t even know it. Yes, I noticed the thirty extra pounds, the lack of motivation to exercise and the ability to walk out of the house in clothes that definitely could have been pajamas. I didn’t take the time to sit back and look at where I was, because I was only worried about loving my wife with every ounce of my being. In turn, I forgot about little ol’ me.
See no matter how I look, what size I wear, what profession I choose I know without a doubt she will love me (I’m lucky I know).
About a month ago it hit me when I looked in the mirror;
“Who are you?!?!?” I thought to myself.
This person I nurtured and loved for 25 of my 30 years had disappeared. It hit me, HARD.
I looked down at my un-manicured nails, my shabby hair and my worn out sneakers. My waist had grown significantly since the last time I actually saw myself. My eye brows could definitely use some plucking – or maybe a hedge trimmer. And my legs well….
For the first time in five years I looked at myself and I was subpar at best. Now I know you may think this sounds like self bashing or self hate but it wasn’t. In that moment I made a decision I am so grateful for.
I decided to LOVE MYSELF just as much as I love my bride.
I know you can relate to this. Be it the spouse, the kids or the job something along the way has made you loose sight of yourself.
Well listen to me, WAKE UP!!!!!
It will be the best decision and gift you can give yourself. We only have one life. One body. One soul. LOVE YOURSELF. There is only one you. Be the best version of yourself because the world deserves it and most of all YOU DESERVE IT. Be you, because you my friend are perfect.
*hair by @truffle.la salon